
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Analisis Beban Kerja Fisiologis pada Pekerja Home Industry Pengasapan Ikan

 Abstrak  Proses pengasapan ikan di Provinsi Maluku umumnya masih dilakukan dengan cara tradisional dengan system pengasapan. Pengasapan biasanya dilakukan pada ruangan yang kecil dengan menggunakan bahan bakar yang berasal dari campuran tempurung dan kayu sedangkan peralatan yang digunakan berupa rak dan tempat duduk dengan ukuran yang rendah serta kapasitas yang sangat sedikit.Waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam melakukan pengasapan sekitar 6 sampai 7 jam.Selama melakukan pengasapan pekerja berada pada posisi jongkok.Kondisi kerja diatas memberikan efek buruk pada pekerja seperti kepanasan, batuk, cepat lelah serta sakit pada pinggang sehingga dapat meningkatkan beban kerja fisiologis.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis beban kerja fisiologis dari pekerja home industry.Dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan dengan metode studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan dengan penyebaran kuesioner, observasi dan wawancara, kemudian data diolah dengan menggunakan persamaan denyu

Formulasi Strategi Korporasi dan Implementasinya pada IKM Abon Ikan

 A150-08-2-SA Marasabessy  Formulasi Strategi Korporasi dan Implementasinya pada IKM Abon Ikan   Sitnah Aisyah Marasabessy1  Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Darussalam Ambon.  email:  Abstract  Maluku has a huge potential of fisheries, but only about 33% which has utilized as semi-finished product, while fish consumption level of Maluku Society has been categorized as the highest, which is 50,2 kg/capita. This is potential for fish processing industries, especially at the scale of SME. One of fish processing SME’s in Maluku is IKM Abon Ikan. The aims of the research are to identify the real system of shredded fish production and to formulate appropriate strategies. This research identified the production system using Three Level Characteristics Identification with some phases, are: formulation phase using External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE), Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM), and Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE), formulation phase using SWOT Matrix and SPACE M

The Development and Design of Ergonomic Fish Smoking Equipments for Smoked Fish Workers in Maluku

  ..lbstruct t:ish is a superior commodity in The Province of Maluku with the potential of fish production is I ,64 million tons per year, although this has not stand by proper processing. Fish are generally processed in traditional way with smoking method and are usually maintained by home indastries. This research is aimed to develop and design rhe equipmentsfor workers base on ergonomic criterias. This effurt is purposively lo decrease the workers' sig;hs so the productiviry* can also be increased. This research has startedwith problemformulation then data collecting of the workers' sighs,stool and fireplace dimension, and cutting board. From this step then continued vith processing of the sighs data, anthropomeQ data, andpercentile adjustment data. The Percentile is 95%. T'he result of the sighs data processing shows that average number of the workers had suffered by disturbance on skeletal muscle categorized by pain and hardly pain dominantly on botlom 63%,, knees 56,7

Specific Fish-Based SME’s Production System Typology to Perform Industrial Development in an Archipelago System

  Abstract—Fish is a superior commodity in Province of Maluku with fish production potential about 1,627 million ton or 20% of total national fish and only 33% or 528.000 tons used for fish processing. This is caused by less infrastructures and fish production facilities as smoked fish product (in local term called Ikan Asar). This paper is aimed to formulate a particular production/manufacturing system typology for a small enterprise and produce a production system design in large batch (repetitive) manufacturing. First performed was identification of an existing fish production system, then formulated configuration of respond to customer design, process design, and production planning and control system design in large batch (repetitive) manufacturing. The results are Make-tostock for respond to customer strategy, large batch (repetitive) manufacturing as process design, and Just in Time Pull System as production planning and control system design.  Index Terms—smoked fish, producti

Penjadwalan Produksi Baja Slab

  Jusul Buku      :   Penjadwalan Produksi Baja Slab Tahun Terbit    : 2015 Penerbit           : Graha Ilmu   Harga               : Rp. Kontak Pesan   : 082248400048 Deskripsi         :